Monday, February 27, 2012

Family Story

Something about the heat was worse than usual. It was hot, which was expected in the middle of June, but it was suffocating. Maybe it was the humidity that made it close to unbearable. Beads of sweat were speckled along my brow and I wiped at it lazily as I wiggled around on first base. Like the heat, I felt much worse that day. It wasn’t because of the humidity though. I was simply…nervous. Being on first base was new to me and frankly it terrified me. The base sat so close to home plate that it screamed dangerous. Somehow I had always managed to avoid that position, but today my coach decided it was time for me to try my luck there. Clenching my teeth, I nodded over at him as he stood behind the plate. His lips curled into a toothy smile that contrasted with the dark tint of his skin. A small part of me gambled he enjoyed torturing me the way he did. Blinking I stood on the bag and glanced down at the soft white chalk extending from the base. There was a loud crack of a bat and dirt flew from beneath the feet of the infield players around me. My body turned quickly toward the second baseman, who was squirming around like a kid in a toy store. I could tell she’d been paying less attention that I had, especially as I positioned my feet and the oversized ball skidded her way. Within seconds, my battered glove was raised and ready for the throw but I wasn’t prepared at all for what happened. In a split second I felt like the wind was knocked out of me, but nothing had hit my chest. Immediately my glove covered my mouth and my body stiffened. I could hear voices shouting at me, but it was like someone had turned the volume down on a television. All I remember next is glancing down while tipping my glove slightly open. The inside of it was the same old dirt brown but metallic red liquid was quickly pouring into it and through the creases to the clay dust below. That red was every where but I didn’t realize why or how until I was being dragged to the emergency room. It didn't take long to get there. The rooms and hallways were blinding white and I had to squint to say anything. My mother was frantic, but she held my hand tight. I wasn't sure what was going on. I was, but I wasn't. Pretty soon I was in the operating room and my mouth was pried open. I've always hated having my mouth examined. It's so bizarre but I didn't struggle. I didn't do much of anything while they were stitching, not even when my little sister attempted to see what was going on. I was perfectly still and I was for a long time. It wasn't until the next day I even cried. I had really wanted to go on that field trip that day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Slice of Life

a few people sitting around in a restaurant. two girls sit, discussing the bill.
one pays with a card and the other fumbles with cash. 

Girl 1 - So, how much do I owe you?

girl 1 looks up at her companion, patiently waiting.
girl 2 pauses and crinkles up her face in thought.

Girl 2 - Um... four plus two equals five so divide that by two is two point five.

girl 2 nods confidently with her answer after shifting the numbers around in
her head and using her fingers to count it out.

Girl 1 - Oh, ok.

girl 1 glances down at her money, silently flipping through the bills
before looking up at girl 2 her expression changing to confusion. 

Girl 1 - Wait. What?

Girl 2 laughs, knowing she's probably got it wrong, but amused anyways.

Dream Continuation

There wasn’t a single light shimmering in the parking lot as a young man and his sister tip toed along the ice cold pavement. The darkness forced them to tread carefully even though the man would rather sprint through. His heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer but he kept his shoulders squared and his jaw clenched. His sister clasped his hand and kept it locked like his jaw. Her skin was speckled with goosebumps and it took all of her strength to keep her teeth from rattling. Buses were scattered about the lot. Their yellow detailing was only visible in the dim moonlight. The pair slunk by one with a dent the size of a bowling ball in its bumper. The young man ghosted over the imperfection with his finger tips as they passed and his sister jumped as she caught her warped reflection within its glow. It was large and distorted to her. Both were. It was funny how something so familiar could feel so…foreign.

Right as she was about to speak, the older boy hushed her and the two froze in place. There was a loud and labored breathing sound disturbing the air. It wasn’t their own, but he hadn’t expected anyone else to be on the premises this late or rather, this early. School wouldn’t start for another four or five hours. There was no disputing it though. Someone else was here and they were struggling to breathe. Loudly. The sound was a painful scrape of a dull knife against a tattered sidewalk.

The young man peeked around the corner of number 12 to try and spot the source of the noise. It’s dark but he can make out a silhouette of a man. It’s large but curved in odd places. He squinted to determine what it was that was making the man’s shadow appear so wonky. The little girl beside him stole his attention however as a loud yelp escaped her thin lips. The young man didn’t have a chance to shush her. A strong callus hand squeezed his shoulder before he had the chance. They were busted.

An hour passed and the young man sighed as he crossed his arms against his chest. The men’s watch seared into his skin as they gave him and his sister a once over. Their expression held a mixture of confidence and skepticism. Confidence that they could easily brainwash the young man into following orders and skepticism that he was any threat to them at all. His own mother didn’t take him seriously. His sister had been the only one and look where they’d ended up. A worn down bus garage.

“Don’t worry, sis…I’ll get us out of this,” he whispered.

One of the thugs glared at him. “shut your mouth. can’t you see we’re talkin?”

The jingle in the mans step annoyed the younger man. He’d worked hard to get that money and he wasn’t going to let some security guard best him.

“I say we just drive them out and leave them stranded. There’s no way they’d find their way back in the heat of the day. The buzzard will be feeding by nightfall,”

The other guard shook his head. “No, we should just kill them. I don’t wanna take any chances,”

The boy’s sister whimpered and looked at him pleadingly as the guards began to argue. The young man looked over at his sister and scooted closer for support. As he moved closer, he felt his back brush up against something jagged. Without hesitation he began to wiggle his wrists against it. The sound of rope tearing was drown out by the arguing men so they didn’t notice as the young man’s arms came free. Within a few moments, he had his sister free. The security guards were shoving now and the two captives tried to sneak away. Unfortunately one of the guards stumbled back into them. The young man scooped up his sister and sprinted down the hall leading into the school with the guards in hot pursuit. The boy and his sister rounded a corner and slipped into a room. He locked the door and heard the men dart past.

All fell silent as the waited. His sister looked frightened and he wrapped his arms around her genly.

“everything’s gonna be ok…i’m here for you,” She smiled at him and the two drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dream Scenario

It's dark. Darker than usual as a young man and his sister slip silently through the night. The parking lot is empty except for a few buses scattered here and there. Their yellow detailing is only visible in the dim moonlight. She sees her reflection warp within the glow and she jumps. A quiet hush escapes the older boy and they pause. Breathing. It's louder, labored, but not their own. He didn't expect anyone else would be around. It's late or early one would be on campus for another four or five hours at least. Still, someone is there breathing heavily.

Loudly. The sound is painful, like dull knives against a tattered sidewalk.

He peeks around the corner to try to spot the source of the noise. It's dark, but he can make out a silhouette of a man. She yelps and before he has a chance to shush her, he feels a strong hand on his shoulder. They're busted.

The young man sighs, his arms across his chest as the two men look him and his sister over. They're skeptical, it figures. No one seems to take him seriously. Not even his own mother. His sister believed...and now look where they were. A worn down bus garage. His money is gone and jingling lightly in the thugs pockets as the pace about the room. They're unsure on what to do. It is hard to see and yet, the young man must have seen or at least picked up on their voices. Security guards weren't always the best at scamming and these two were no exception. The young man squirms and his usually outspoken voice is falls upon deaf ears. They're arguing now. The young man is certain they're going to 'dispose' of them. This is all his fault. His sister is going to pay and this is all his fault.

They decide to call a friend and within the hour, the young man and his sister are being shipped away to some sort of 'camp'. This wasn't a camp at all though. It was a house and inside a couple lives. A very unusual couple. A very predatory couple. After few days the young man notices a body in the freezer and it is obvious this family isn't normal at all. They are playing pretend. The 'father' is violent and beats his wife and the wife is unstable. She screams and yells one minute and the next she is as sweet as can be. He doesn't understand. How do they escape. Is there one, is it possible?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fairy Tale Adaption

Three Billy Goats Gruff
Comic Adaptation: Grace Seward

Page 1:

Panel A: Zoomed in view of three male goats lounging around in a dull yellow meadow.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived three billy goats gruff.

Panel B:  Zoom in further on the biggest goat. He has a very styled and tamed ‘hair’ style and a confident/masculine look.

Narrator: The first and oldest billy goat was Zephyr.

Panel C: In a smaller panel next to portrait. Zoomed out to Zephyr lifting the other two goats.
Narrator: He was the strongest of the three and his arms

Panel D: Same size as last panel, Zephyr is talking and his chest is puffed out as if he’s using a lot of wind. Behind him is lots of rambling/text that’s crunched together with different bold and font sizes.

Narrator: and his mouth showed it too.

Panel E: Pan out from last panel a little, to reveal another goat listening to Zephyr. Focus point, middle goat listening in very attentively.
Narrator: The second was Phrixus

Panel F: Small panel, similar in format to previous ones. Phrixus is shown running circles around Zephyr excitedly.

Narrator: and he was the most eager and rambunctious.

Panel G: Pan out completely, showing all three goats, Zephyr talking and Phrixus running laps. Subtly near by is the third goat, rolled on his back, looking up at the sky.

Narrator: Altair was the last and he was a bit different from the others.

Page 2:

Panel A: Zoom in Altair. He is the smallest of the three goats and he’s a bit skinnier than the others. His eyes are pointed up at the sky dreamily as if he not in the field at all.

Zephyr: Al! Are you listening to me??

Panel B: A shadow looms over the smallest goat. His expression reads annoyance and his eyes roll.

Altair: You’re blocking my view, Zeph. Bug off.

Panel C: Zoom out. Zephyr rams his large horn into Altair’s head aggressively while Phrixus continues to bound in circles.

Zephyr: Did you hear that, xus? Baby bro can’t see his pretty clouds!
Altair: Knock it off, Zephyr!
Narrator (bottom of panel): Altair wasn’t strong or energetic

Panel D: Shot of Phrixus collapsing into the grass, sprawling himself out.

Phrixus: Clouds? What’s so great about clouds? You can’t eat’em.

Panel E: Phrixus rolled over taking a giant bite of the dull yellow grass, getting a mouthful of dirt.

Panel F: Zephyr and Altair glancing out of the picture frame toward Phrixus. Spitting onomatopoeia.

Phrixus: Guys….the grass is broken.
Narrator: but at least he was smart.

Page 3:

Panel A: Pan of the faded yellow and brown grass. It seems to go on for miles.

Narrator: The three brothers had lived in he meadow since they could remember. Their mother (and Altair) had warned that if they weren’t careful all the yummy grass would dry up and they’d have to find somewhere new to live.

Panel B: The three goats sit in a circle/triangle discussing what to do about the food.

Zephyr: There’s plenty of grass on the other side of the river. I’ve always liked it over there better anyway.

Panel C: Shot of the bridge and all the delicious grass on the other side. Phrixus dreaming about gorging on all the grass. Piles of grass are all lined up and he’s eating them Pac Man style.

Phrixus: Oh yeah! Much better!

Panel D: Fantasy is invaded by a short petite gnome throwing lightening bolts as Phrixus runs away.

Phrixus: But…what about that Gnome? He ain’t too nice…

Panel E: Fantasy is interrupted again, this time with Zephyr swinging the gnome over his head.
Zephyr: That guy’s a joke! We’ll have no problem crossing, right Al? I’ll knock him around a bit and we’ll have all the grass we can eat!

Panel F: Zoom on Altair who is thinking.

Narrator: There was no Gnome that guarded the bridge. There was a troll…

Page 4:

Panel A: Panel of a awkwardly proportioned troll wearing gloves and watering flowers.

Narrator: and he wasn’t all that scary, either.

Panel B: Zoom out of troll tending to the meadow. Flowers of all different kinds are scattered everywhere.

Narrator: Peder the Troll was the care taker of the meadow.

Panel C: Same panel, but it’s dark and there’s a glow of a lantern in a different area of the picture.

Narrator: He tended to it day and night and Altair often could see the soft glow of his lantern in the distance.

Panel D: Shot of Peder under the bridge in his ‘night’ clothes, covering his ears with two large stones.

Narrator: Most Trolls only sleep a few hours each day, but poor Peder never got much.

Panel E: Zephyr and Phrixus goofing around at edge of the bridge, trotting and trampling on it.
Panel F: Peder waving his arms as the two goats laugh and bounce away.

Narrator: He always begged them to play elsewhere, but he wasn’t tough enough to scare them away like a troll should.

Panel G: Smaller panel, Peder with his tongue out, making a gross face.

Narrator: He couldn’t even frighten them by threatening to gobble them up. Goat meat was too gross.

Page 5:

Panel A: Shot of Zephyr and Phrixus butting heads.

Zephyr: No! I already said I’ll rough him up! I should go first!
Phrixus: You always get to go first! There’s no where good to hit after you!

Panel B: Zoom in on Altair, a grin on his face as he squeezes between his brothers.

Altair: I’m the smallest, so I’ll go first. I can work him up, that way he’s mad and more of a challenge for you two.

Panel C: Shot of Phrixus plopping down into the grass in defeat as Altair skips off toward the bridge.

Phrixus: I never have any fun…

Panel D: Altair trots onto the bridge and pounds on the stone.

Altair: Mr. Troll! Come out come out!

Panel E: Peder peeks his head out from under the bridge.

Peder: What do you want? Are you here to torment me like your brothers?

Panel F: Altair looks over his shoulder at the two goats wrestling and not paying any attention.

Altair: No, but my brothers want to eat up your garden. I have a plan to save it, but I need your help…

Panel G: Altair whispering into the Peder’s ear.

Page 6:

Panel A: Phrixus runs onto the bridge and skids to a halt in the middle.

Phrixus: ALLLLL! Where are yooou??
Narrator: After a while of playing, Zephyr noticed Altair never came back to get them so he sent Phrixus to go fetch him.

Panel B: Peder comes out from under the bridge with a large bulge in his tummy.

Peder: There’s no use calling. He can’t hear you.

Panel C: Zoom in on Phrixus face, he’s confused.

Phrixus: What? Why not? Did a bug get in his ears?

Panel D: Zoom out, focus on Peder as he pats his large belly.

Peder: No. I ate him.

Panel E: Phrixus’ eyes are wide and he steps back.

Peder: Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

Panel F: Silhouette of Peder, his large teeth white and gleaming as he opens his mouth wide and Phrixus looks in.

Panel F: Something reaches out, grabbing Phrixus to pull him inside.

Page 7:

Panel A: Zoom in on Zephyr mumbling in his sleep.

Panel B: Wakes up with a jolt, zoomed out a bit and he looks around.

Zephyr: Xus? Al??

Panel C: Zoom out on empty meadow.

Zephyr: Where are you?

Page 8:

Panel A: Shot of Zephyr stalking across the bridge. Peder is there waiting, his belly twice as big.

Zephyr: Where are my brother’s, gnome?

Panel B: Peder smiles, leaning on a large stone.

Peder: Digesting.

Panel C: Zoom out as Zephyr charges Peder, his head down ready to buck him.

Panel D: Peder opens his mouth as wide as he can and Altair leaps out and lands on Zephyr’s head right before he hits Peder.

Panel E: The three clash, sending Phrixus jutting out of Peder’s belly, sending the three goats in the opposite direction.

Panel F: Phrixus and Zephyr are stunned as Altair and Peder tie them up.

Page 9:

Panel A: Shot of Zephyr frowning and Phrixus watching a butterfly in Peder’s meadow.

Zephyr: Fine. You can untie us now.
Narrator: After a while of gobbling talk and embarrassment, Zephyr finally began to come around.

Panel B: Zoom out of Altair shaking his head as he looks at his brothers.

Altair: No, you have to say it.

Panel C: Zephyr groaning.

Zephyr: Fine, we will be careful what we eat and we wont bully. Now will you?

Panel D: Zoom out, Phrixus gnaws through the last piece of rope.

Phrixus: That was yummy. Can I have more, Al?

Panel E: Zephyr falls over and Altair laughs.

Narrator: From then on, the three billy goats began to get along better

Panel F: Split panel. Peder waking up from sleep.

Narrator: and Peder finally got some sleep.

Panel F: Second panel. Peder brushing his teeth furiously

Narrator: But he still can’t get the taste of goat out of his mouth.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Short Story Adaptation

A Baby Tramp
By: Ambrose Bierce
Comic Adaptation: Grace Seward

Page 1:

Panel A: Zoomed out view of a small, grimy looking four year old boy standing alone on a corner in the rain. The scene is dim and grey.
Narrator: If you had seen little Jo standing at the street corner in the rain, you would have hardly admired him.

Panel B:  Zoom in on his face. It’s young and covered in dirt that doesn’t wash away but only seems to stick more as water hits.

Narrator: the water appeared dark and adhesive – sticky

Panel C: A view of the sky and it’s clouds. long horizontal panel.
Narrator: But that could hardly be so, even in Blackburg, where things certainly did occur that were a good deal out of the common.

Panel D: Back to a more square panel, just slightly wider than the ones before. The street corner is more lit and people’s shoes can be seen as well as frogs hopping about in people’s way.

Narrator: Ten or twelve years before, a shower of small frogs had fallen

Panel E: Move up, showing a man nonchalantly noticing the falling frogs while reading a paper.
Man: “Hm…not so bad growing weather…”

Page 2:

Panel A: Long horizontal panel. Same corner covered in red snow with equally red water seeping into the drains.

Narrator: Some years later Blackburg had a fall of crimson snow.

Panel B: Rectangular panel taking up 3/4ths the page. Zoom out of the street where several scientists in suits examine the snow and water and men of Blackburg that stood back musing with each other in a small group.

Narrator: The phenomenon had attracted wide attention, and science had as many explanations as there were scientists who knew nothing about it. But the men of Blackburg shook their heads and said something would come of it.

Panel C: Smaller panel inside panel B.

Narrator: And something did…

Page 3:

Panel A: Full page showing the town in a state of trouble. People are crying as others are being carted away to the hospital and morgues.

Narrator: A mysterious disease carried away a full half of the population.

Page 4:

Panel A: Focus on an old family photo. It’s sepia colored and features very prim and wealthy looking people. The men are dress like politicians.

Narrator: The Brownons had been the leading family of the town.

Panel B: Zoom out to a room in which the picture is displayed on the wall along with diplomas and other travel souvenirs.

Narrator: Most of them were educated elsewhere and nearly all had traveled.

Panel C: Zoom in on another photo in the room. A beautiful woman is featured there, her face sweet and she holds herself with good posture.

Narrator: Hetty was loved for her sweetness, purity, and personal beauty.

Panel D: Zoom out on the picture, revealing her husband and her son that’s cradled lovingly in her arms.

Narrator: She and her husband Parlow loved their son Jospeh,

Panel E: A view of Joe, barely able to stand, in a cemetery with a tall man. The stand in front of a grave.

Narrator: But their love was not enough to save them.

Page 5:

Panel A: A view of a wagon passing by the cemetery.

Caption: 3 years later…

Panel B: Zoom in on several young people merry making.

Panel C: Their party ceases and their faces are stunned/shocked.

Young Person: “Is that…”

Panel D: A view of the cemetery gates reveal the silhouette of a ghostly Hetty Parlow stretching her arms out toward the west.

Panel E: A view of the evening star shines in the west.

Ghost: “Joey, Joey!”

Panel F: The view returns to a zoomed out view of the cemetery gates and the wagon, though the ghost has vanished.

Page 6:

Panel A: Bird’s eye view of Joey fiddling around in the brush of the desert.

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Nevada, Joey strayed from home

Panel B: A view of Joey stumbling into an Indian camp where he is met by the curiosity of the Indians.

Panel C: The family feeds him leftover scrapes of their meal.

Narrator: and was found…

Panel D: A worm’s eye view from Joey’s perspective shows the Indians and along with a woman at a train station.

Panel E: A long horizontal panel is again from Joey’s view as he looks out the train window at the Indian’s who are counting their gold.

Narrator: and sold by Indians.

Page 7:

Panel A: Joey and his new mother sit in the train cabin, his legs hanging off the seat, his eyes on his feet.

Mrs. Darnell: Do not fret, little one.

Panel B: Voom in on Joey as a arm reaches in frame around his small shoulders.

Mrs. Darnell: We are both alone in this world, but now we have each other.

Panel C: The train continues on its course toward green lands and past a sign that reads Ohio.

Page 8:

Panel A: A silhouette looms in the corner of the panel, watching Joey toddle through a yard, away from a nice looking house.

Police Office: Hey little guy, where are you off to?

Panel B: Police officer crouches down in view. He’s young and his uniform still looks new and Joey stands in front of him.

Joey: a goin' home…

Police Officer: Well be careful, don’t wander too far

Panel C: The view shows Joey wander further from the house and the officer standing, looking confident.

Page 9:

Panel A: Sign for Infants’ Sheltering Home in Whiteville

Caption: 3 days later

Panel B: Joey squirms in a bathtub as he is scrubbed clean by older women.

Narrator: Having somehow traveled by rail, Joey found himself imprisoned once more.

Panel C: Shows Joey slipping out of his bed and creeping from his bedroom.

Panel D: Birds eye view of him sliding down the steps.

Panel E: Shows the woods ahead and the home in the distance.

Narrator: Joey ran away and into the woods and the home knew him no more.

Page 10:

Panel A: Return to the first panel f Joey standing in the rain.

Narrator: And here he is

Panel B: Zoom in on Joey’s red and swollen bare feet.

Narrator: no shoes

Panel C: Slide up to his tattered and flimsy damp clothing. His arms crossed against his chest, holding his cold body.

Narrator: no warmth

Panel D: A view of the near by houses. They give off a soft bright glow in the darkness.

Panel E: Zoom out to Joey stumbling slowly toward one of the houses.

Page 11:

Panel A: Worms eye view of Joey standing in front of a house as a large dog looms in the doorway.

Panel B: Close up of both the dog’s mean face and Joey’s shock.

Panel C: Joey shuffles away as quickly as he can down the road, leaving the shadow of the dog behind.

Page 12:

Panel A: Full page. The next morning Joey is seen laying on his side, one hand cupping his cheek and the other tucked away to keep warm. His body is lifeless.

Caption: The Next Morning

Panel B: Inside PA near the bottom. Zoom in of the grave, Reading Hetty Parlow.

Narrator: The grave had not opened to receive him. That is a circumstance one may wish had been ordered otherwise.